Automotive Links
Ben Lovejoy's Lots of hands on information (and trips to) the Nurburg Ring
AltaVista's Babel Fish Translation Service Translate pages and phrases
TDI Powertuning for Toyota Corolla Corolla power up kits (different stages, na to turbo etc)
Toyspeed: Toyota Club of New Zealand Our great young club for toyota (esp. corolla) fans!
FENSPORT - Performance Toyota Parts They do 4afe ae101 to 3sgte 4wd conversions!
TRC Tuning : parts for Corolla E10 Lots of model specific parts (in dutch =( )
Quintins Car Site New Zealand guy with a 20v 4age KP Starlet
AE111 Turbo specification details (bolt on turbo kit) Translated, BLITZ turbo kit for the ae111
AE My Garage Japaneese Site dedicated to ae86-111, a good source of information
Toyotuning : parts for Corolla 92 > 97 Ireland parts company, (good source, has rally car panels as well!)
Booster Tuning Body-kits for Corollas ONLY! , very good German company!
Clubman Builders Resource - Engine Links to pictures and info, pictures are from the EPC catalog
Clubman Builders Resource - 4AGE Blacktop Manual 4AGE Blacktop manual links -Local Australia Host
Tuning Japaneese, step by step instructions and photos S-AFC, VVT Controller etc..
AE My Garage : Links Translated, links page from Ae My Garage
The Toyota Celica GT4 part 1 ( Toyotas WRC, Corolla and Celica information
Timing on Ae101/111 Translated, AE101,111 Timing control settings
Automotive Training and Resource Site Toyota traning manuals, tests and general information (for free!)
AE My Garage: Throttle Return Springs Mods Translated, About the Trottle Return Spring Modfication
TTE : Toyota Team Europe The lucky lads that rally the 4wd Corollas, more a mechanise site tho.
Twincam 16 Forum for 16v Toyota Engines
Aerotech : kits for Toyotas New Zealand kit company, kits for Toyotas
Club4AGE Technical Reference Tech pages, good info and wiring diagrams
ToyMods Car Club Australian Toyota Car Club, Forum and Information
Group N to Group A Australian Corolla rally car conversion
Bill Sherwood's Modified 4AGE Page Australia, Good source for all 4AGE engine modfications!
Sule's wicked turbo charged levin in Jamaica 20v Silvertop Turbo in Jamaica (not vvti, just vvt)
Club 4AG Australian 4AG Club
Corolla Links Japaneese, lotsa general Corolla links
COROLLA Performance General information on models General forum for bragging rights
Japaneese ?? Japaneese FX guy
GTZSTYLEZ -Supercharged Levins and Truenos New Zealand site, about the GTZ's
Gunter Automotive Tech Page/a> Engine Information (3S and 4A family)
Levin Trueno Laboratory Japaneese levin/trueno site, with links and info
GTZSTYLE - Other Cars Blurb of comparision between Honda VTec, and Toyota VVT
Davis Engineering - Silvertop and Blacktop differences Technical Differences
TRD :sole angent for New Zealand and Australia Sollit Trading, from Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand
The Toyota Modfications Info Server General Information on model codes and engine codes
TODA Racing : Engine Parts Good Quality Components, expensive tho
TopToyotaSites Links to toyota sites -general
Toyota 4AGE Engines How to mod them (esp 16v in RWD applications)
K Road Auto Dismantlers New Zealand, Auckland Toyota Wrecker
Toyota Engines Information about all Toyota engines and setups
Toysport American parts supplier
Blacktop Manual The origional site for the Blacktop manual
Xiao Xiao Movie Wicked flash movies, doesn't belong here.. but what the hey!
Corolla Compact WRX Japaneese FXGT, with euro front -quality site
Pipers -list of New Zealand Car Clubs New Zealand car club websites listing
Rollaboys Australian Toytota Car Club
The Toyota Mods Web Ring Hub for many toyota mod sites inter-links
Welcome to Specter Team Vehicle model production dates
JPNZ international New Zealand Translation service, for car manuals
Brake Upgrades Japaneese Brake Upgrades for Corollas
Works Tuning Japaneese Parts source
Toyota Techno-craft [Dream Factory] Japaneese TRD / Toyota Parts
TRD -Toyota Racing Development English version of the Japaneese TRD Site -GOOD
JUN Japaneese aftermarket parts
Fensport -Performance Toyota Parts Europe -toyota aftermarket parts supplier
OBX Racing Sports Headlamp conversion (make ae101 corolla look like ae111 corolla) My old car at
Ohil Bradshaw's SpeedTECH Information about using a 20v in a RWD application (and schematics)
Tire Size Calulator Online tire size calculator (aproximate)
Yarchive Links Links to everything automotive
Car Care Specialties How to guides to groom your car
Savage Car Peformance & Design European (german?)-Nice kit for the FXGT
Toyota Corolla FX GT 20v New Zealand FXGT AE101 Site (fellow Toyspeed Member)